Chef Robert

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London Broil!

London Broil

Serves 2


13-16 oz. Flank steak


2 tbsp. fresh chopped garlic

¼ cup juice from pickle jar ( homemade pickles would be better)

1 cup lemon juice

1 cup vegetable oil

Mix well

Marinating Flank Steak

Put flank steak into plastic freezer bag

Pour in marinade

Let sit in fridge for 3 days


Remove flank steak from marinade and rinse well

Wipe flank steak dry

Set broiler to high heat

Place flank steak on pan on the third shelf from the bottom ( you want flank steak to be about 12 inches from the flame or broiler heat  or electric element.

cook for 3 minutes each side for rare

cook 4 minutes each side for medium