Delicious Pumpkin Pasta!

Pumpkin Pasta Recipe 2

Pasta Ingredients

½ cup pumpkin puree (see recipe below for making pumpkin puree)

1 egg beaten

1 tbsp. oil

2 cups semolina flour

½ tbsp. salt

2 tbsp. brown sugar


Bread maker method

Place all ingredients bread make and set to pasta mix and let rest for 1 hour

Table top mixer method

Add all ingredients to table top mixer bowl. Mix with hook for 3 minutes until dough comes together. Let rest for 1 hour.

Rolling out the pasta with a pasta roller

Cut dough into 3 equal pieces dust with semolina flour and flatten to ¼ inch using hands to press down pasta.

Rolling pasta sheets

Put into pasta roller (flat roller) set on 7 and roll through. Set to 5 and roll through. Set to 4 and roll through. Using the fettuccini setting roll the pasta sheet through. Repeat until all pasta is done.

 For Dried pasta

Lay fettuccini on pasta drying rack for two days and then store in container with lid. Store in a dry place.

Fresh pasta

Place fettuccini on semolina flour and toss pasta in semolina flour. Roll pasta around your and make small nests.

Cooking pasta

Cook pasta in 2 quarts of boiling water with 4 tbsp. of salt. Add pasta to boiling water. Bring back to a boil. Remove from heat and cover. Let sit for 10 minutes. Drain.

Pumpkin pasta with peppers and walnuts.

Serve 5


2 red peppers sliced thin

2 yellow or orange peppers sliced thin

4 tbsp. chopped garlic

8 tbsp. butter

3/4 cup table cream

2 cup walnuts

2 cups fresh shredded parmesan cheese (save ¼ cup for garnish)

2 tbsp. fresh ground black pepper


In large sauté pan or pot add butter and melt on medium heat. Add garlic and peppers and cook for 3 minutes.  Add walnuts and cook for 2 minutes. Add cream and bring to a boil. Add cooked pasta and mix well. Add parmesan cheese saving ¼ cup for garnish. Mix well and serve. Top with parmesan cheese.

Making pumpkin puree

Makes about 4-6 cups of puree (depending on size of pumpkin)

1 large pumpkin Preparation

Cut pumpkin in half and remove all seeds and webbing. Cut pumpkin into quarters. Bake in preheated oven set to 350 F for 1 hour. Remove and let pumpkin cool and then using a spoon remove meat from the skin. Place pumpkin meat in blender or food processor and blend until smooth. Use for pasta recipe. Bag and freeze leftover puree pumpkin.




Online cooking with Chef Robert

Best Pressure Cooker Pumpkin Cheese Cake!


Don’t Throw out Your Pumpkins. Make puree of Pumpkin Soup!