Chef Robert

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Peaches are in Season. Let’s Make Peach Cake!

Southern Peach Cake


Serves 4    

Peach slices preparation

3 large peaches

6 tbsp. margarine or butter

½ cup white sugar

1 tbsp. vanilla extract

4 tbsp. honey

½ cup walnuts

Peel, remove pit and slice peaches thin.

In a sauce pan on medium heat add margarine or butter. When melted add sugar, vanilla and honey. Cook for 1 minute. Add peach slices, walnuts and cook for 1 minute. Remove from heat and save. Take 6 peach slices, 3 walnuts and put in fridge. Use as garnish when serving.



Fresh mint

Vanilla ice cream

Peach slices from peach preparation

Cake Preparation


1 cup all purpose flour

1 pinch salt

¼ tsp. cinnamon

1 pinch clove

1 tsp. baking powder

1 egg

1/2 cup milk

1 tbsp. rum extract

1 tbsp.vanilla

½ of peach slices preparation


Mix dry ingredients together in large bowl. Mix liquid ingredients together. Add liquid ingredients to dry ingredients and mix for 2 minutes with wooden spoon. Add half of the peach preparation mixture to the batter. Mix until peaches are blended into batter.

Bake in 4 medium size round ceramic baking dishes. Lightly coat inside of dishes with oil to prevent sticking.

Place peach slices and walnuts equally in baking dishes. Pour remaining liquid from peach slice preparation equally into each baking dish.

Pour batter equally into each baking dish.

Bake in preheated oven set to 350 degrees F.

Bake for 20 minutes. (Insert toothpick into cake, when tooth pick comes out clean the cakes are done)

Remove cakes from oven and let cool for 15 minutes. Run a sharp knife along the inner edge between the cake and baking dish. Turn cake upside down onto a serving plate. Lightly tap the top of the baking dish with wooden spoon. Cake will release from baking dish.

Garnish with fresh mint, peach slices, walnuts and ice cream.