Let’s Celebrate our Canadian Cultural History! Make Bannock with your Children!




Bannock is a type of fry bread, which originates from Scotland but was eventually adopted by the Indigenous peoples of Canada, particularly the Métis of western Canada. ...

The Inuit call it 'palauga,' it's 'luskinikn' to the Mi'kmaq, while the Ojibway call it 'ba`wezhiganag.' Whatever they call it, from north to south and coast to coast, just about every Indigenous nation across North America has some version of bannock.

Bannock Recipe

Serves 6


3 cups all purpose flour

¼ tsp salt

1 ½ tsp baking powder

1 ½ cups warm water

1 tbsp. pure vanilla extract

**1 cup currants soaked in water overnight

Drain water from currants and put into a bowl with ½ cup all purpose flour.

** you can add raisins, blueberries, apples instead of currants

Combine flour, salt and baking powder and mix together for 1 minute.

Melt butter and add butter to water and mix. Added vanilla to butter and water mixture. Pour butter, vanilla and water mixture into flour mixture. Mix well with a fork until all ingredients come together.

Add currant mixture dough and mix in until currants are mixed well into the dough.

Knead together until smooth.

Fry in hot oil 350 F until golden on one side. Flip and cook until golden. Total cooking time per each side 1-2 minutes.


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