Chef Robert

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Let’s Make Brioche!


Makes 4 loaves


1 cup milk

4 tsp. instant yeast

5 eggs


3 ½ cup bread flour (you can use all-purpose flour) bread flour makes better dough

1 cup softened butter

1 egg mix well for egg wash

Step 1 preparation

In mixing bowl (from mixing bowl from table or stand mixer)

Add milk, yeast and milk for 1 minute with fork

Add beaten eggs

Mix for 30 seconds

Add flour on top

Let sit for 30 minutes at room temperature

Step 2 Make the dough

Add to step 1

1/2 cup white sugar

1 tsp. salt

4 large eggs beaten before added

1 1/2 cup bread flour

Mix on low speed for 5 minutes

Add 1 cup flour

Mix on low speed until combined

Mix on speed 8 or just below high speed

Mix for 5 minutes

Step 3 Adding butter

Ingredients 1 cup softened butter (room temperature) not melting, should keep its shape when on a plate. Add butter 3 tbsp. at a time to the dough on speed 3 medium speed

When butter is incorporated into dough add another 3 tbsp.

When butter is incorporated into dough repeat adding butter until all butter is added

Turn to low speed and add 1/3 cup bread flour mix until flour is mixed in

Mix on medium speed for 5 minutes

Dough should be soft to the touch but not sticky

If sticky add 1/3 cup of flour until dough is not sticky

Turn off mixer 

Remove hook and cover bowl with plastic wrap and let proof for 1- 2 hours until dough doubles in size

When double in size 

Lift dough up from sides of bowl and fold dough on itself

Until dough is back to original size before proofing

Cover with plastic wrap

Place in fridge for 4-6 hours (overnight)

After dough has been refrigerated it is ready to use

Portion into 4 equal loaves

Put into loaf pans (I used taco salad shell forms)

Let proof until double in size

Brush with eggs wash

Bake at 350F for 20-30 minutes cook until internal temperature of185 F