Chef Robert

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Today is Chocolate Chip Day. Let’s make Chocolate Truffles!

Chocolate Truffles

Makes 30 truffles


1 cup whipping cream

5 oz. sweet chocolate

5 oz. chocolate chips

3 tbsp. butter

3 tbsp. carmel or  flavouring of your choice.

¼ cup cocoa powder

¼ cup icing sugar



Combine icing sugar and cocoa powder and sift into bowl. ( for dusting) set aside

1 sauce pot add cream and bring to boil. Add butter and then chocolate. Stir for two minutes and then add flavouring. Stir for one minute.

Strain mixture into a bowl and cover with plastic wrap. Place in fridge for one hour or until cold.

Scoop out truffle mixture onto a waxed sheet of paper using a small ice cream scoop or mellon baller.

Place truffle balls into icing sugar and cocoa powder mixture. Roll truffle around until completed dusted/ covered.

Remove using a tooth pick and place on wax paper.

Put into fridge (do not cover)

Place in small cup cake liners.