Delicious Cannoli Crepes!

Cannoli Crepes

Serves 4


8 crepes  see recipe below

2 cups ricotta cheese

½ cup powdered sugar

 Zest of 1 lemon


½  cup whipped 35 % cream

1 oz. semi sweet chocolate


In a medium bowl, whisk the ricotta until smooth. Sift in the powdered sugar, Mix well. In a separate bowl (or in the bowl of an electric mixer, mix whipping cream until soft peaks. Divide whip cream equally and set aside for garnishing. Using a rubber spatula, gently fold the other half of the whipped cream into the ricotta mixture. Lightly zest the exterior of the lemon and stir it into the ricotta. Refrigerate for a half hour to an hour.

On a plate place two crepes. Divide the ricotta filling on each crepe. Fold over crepes making sure crepes are in middle of the plate. Equally drop whipping cream on top of each plate of crepes. Shave chocolate on top of whipping cream.

Basic Crepe Recipe

Makes 11 – 10 – 10 “ crepes


Dry ingredients

1 ¾ cups bread flour

½ tsp. salt

Mix together

Wet ingredients

¼ cup melted butter

3 ½ cups milk

4 eggs

Mix together for 3 minutes

½ cup vegetable oil for cooking crepes

Preparation of batter

Mix dry and wet ingredients together.  Let rest for 20 minutes.

Making the crepes

Heat the crepe pan on medium heat for 5 minutes. Add 2 tbsp. oil and spread ensuring than pan is covered with oil. Pour ½ cup of batter into the center of the pan. Using the crepe batter spreader, spread the batter gently until the batter is evenly spread to 11 inches. Cook for 45 seconds (bubbles should start to form). Using the crepe spatula flip the crepe and cook for 30 seconds. Remove and put onto was paper of parchment paper. Make sure you use 2 tbsp. of oil for each crepe.






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