Chocolate Ravioli!

Chocolate ravioli dough


Serves 8 ( 4 ravioli per person)


Chocolate ravioli dough



**4 tbsp. butter for sauteing ravioli.


¼ cup all purpose flour for rolling out dough


¼ cup flour with 2/3 cups water mixed until you get a liquid paste. You will need to make to make stuffed ravioli.


3 cups all purpose flour

1 cup cocoa powder

¼ cup icing sugar

1 pinch salt

Combine and mix dry ingredients


2 eggs

3 Tbsp canola oil

1 cup cold water


Combine and mix wet ingredients


In bowl add wet ingredients to dry ingredients.

Mix with hands until dough ball forms.

Depending on time of year you might have to add more water or more flour.

Winter more water. Summer more flour.


Knead / mix until a smooth ball is formed.

Place on floured area, cover with damp cloth and let rest for 20 minutes.


Roll out using pasta rolling machine or roll out using rolling pin.

Roll out dough until 1/16 of an inch.


Using a circle cutter 1-2 inch round cut out circles

You will need two circles for each ravioli.

In class I will show another way to make square ravioli.( less waste this way)

Round looks better on a plate. You can decide what you would like to


Cream cheese filling


1 cup cream cheese

3 Tbsp. raspberry jam

Mix well and refrigerate


Chocolate chips for chocolate center


128 chocolate chips.



Fresh raspberries.



Making ravioli


Lay out ravioli circles

Brush flour and water paste on half of the ravioli circles.

Place a small finger nail size of cream cheese mixture in center of  flour and water pasted ravioli.

Add four chocolate chips in on top of cream cheese mixture

Place ravioli without paste on top of filled ravioli.

Squeeze the edge around the ravioli with a fork. This seals the ravioli.

Refrigerate until needed. Do this for at least ten minutes before boiling.

Remove from fridge and let ravioli sit at room temperature for ten minutes.

Boil in unsalted water until ravioli float and remove and place on pan to drain.

Sauté in butter on medium heat until ravioli are hot. About 3 minutes.

Garnish with fresh raspberries.





Make Your Own Kielbasa!


Delicious Cannoli Crepes!