Chef Robert

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Make Your Own Ravioli!


Serves 4-6 people

Pasta Dough for ravioli

Pasta Dough
Makes 1 lb. of pasta


½ cup cold water

1 large egg beaten

1 tbsp. oil

½ tsp. salt

1 2/3 cup semolina flour

2 cups semolina flour to keeping pasta from sticking together



Stand mixer method

Put water and egg into stand mixer. Mix well with fork. Add remaining ingredients and mix with hook until ingredients come together forming a ball. Mix for one minute. Remove from bowl and put into a sealable container and refrigerate for 1 hour to let rest.

Hand mixing method.

But all dry ingredients on a cutting board or clean flat surface. Mix dry ingredients and make a mound. Using your fist make a hole in the center of the mound. Mix egg and water together in a bowl. Add liquid ingredients to the hole in the center of the mound. Swirl liquid around adding dry ingredients into the liquid ingredients. Continue doing this until you have all ingredients together. Mix until a ball forms. Knead ingredients together until you have a smooth ball. Put dough into a sealable container and refrigerate for 1 hour to let rest.

Bread machine Method

Put water in bread machine dough container. Whisk Egg for 1 minute and add to water. Add remaining ingredients. Set to dough/pasta mixing cycle. Remove from bowl and put into a sealable container and refrigerate for 1 hour to let rest.

Shaping the pasta

Knife Method

Using extra semolina flour for dusting the work surface. Roll out the pasta to 1/16 of inch thick. Dust semolina flour on top of rolled out dough and turn over dough. Dust with semolina flour. Now roll the dough onto itself making it into a long cylinder of dough. Using a knife cut the cylinder of dough ¼ inch slices

Ravioli Stuffing

½ lb. medium ground beef

¼ onion diced fine

1 clove garlic

Pinch of salt and pepper

2 Tbsp. parmesan cheese

1 egg white

4 Tbsp. bread crumb


Sauté onions and garlic for three minutes.

Let cool for five minutes.

Add remaining ingredients and mix.

Mix well and place in refrigerator until required.

You can cook meat first in desired and then mix all ingredient.

Making ravioli

Lay out ravioli circles

Brush flour and water paste on half of the ravioli circles.

Place a small finger nail size of meat mixture in center of flour and water pasted ravioli.

Place ravioli without paste on top of filled ravioli.

Squeeze the edge around the ravioli with a fork. This seals the ravioli.

Refrigerate until needed. Do this for at least ten minutes before boiling.

Remove from fridge and let ravioli sit at room temperature for ten minutes.

Boil in salted water until ravioli float and remove and place on pan to drain.

You can make ahead and freeze.

Serving Ravioli


4 tbsp. butter

2 tbsp. chopped garlic

½ cup red wine

2 cups tomato sauce

¼ cup fresh shredded parmesan cheese (save 4 tbsp. for garnishing ravioli.


In a large sauté pan on medium heat add butter. Melt butter and add garlic. Cook for 1 minute, Add red wine and cook for 2 minutes. Add tomato sauce add boiled ravioli. Simmer for 1 minute. Add parmesan cheese (save 4 tbsp. spoon for garnish). Cook for 1 minute. Serve and garnish with parmesan cheese.