Love Pasta? Make your own Gnocchi!



2 lbs peeled potatoes

3 cups shredded parmesan cheese

¼ tsp. fresh cracker pepper

½ tbsp. salt

5 eggs

6 cups all-purpose flour


Boiled potatoes until tender (can use pressure cooker)

Using a table top mixer add potatoes to mixing bowl.  Whisk mix for 1 minute.  On low speed add one egg and mix until completely absorbed by the potatoes. Repeat process until all eggs are added. Add parmesan cheese, salt and pepper. Mix well. Remove whisk and replace with dough hook. Add flour and mix on low speed until flour and potato mixture becomes a dough ball. Leave dough in mixing bowl and cover with a damp towel and let rest for 15 minutes.

Flour the cutting board or area you are going to work at. Roll out gnocchi dough until the dough is 1 inch thick and in a rectangle shape. Cut 1 inch strips. Roll the 1 inch strips into rounded shape strips. Cut into ½ inch pieces. Using flour mix the ½ pieces making sure they do not stick together. Using a box grater, use the larger size grater surface and take each piece of gnocchi dough and roll it with your thumb. Make sure each rolled gnocchi is covered in flour so they don’t stick. Continue this process until all gnocchi are rolled of the box grater.

In a 10 qt. pot or larger pot fill ½ full with water. Add 2 tbsp. salt. Bring to a rolling boil. Sift flour from gnocchi and add ½ of the gnocchi to the boiling water. Stir frequently. When gnocchi begin to float cook for 5 minutes. Remove gnocchi from boiling water and place in cold running water. Repeat process.

When all gnocchi are cooked and cooled down. You can use or place gnocchi in a sealable bag and freeze until ready to use.

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