Delicious Whole BBQ Chicken!

BBQ Whole Chicken

Makes 2 chickens


2 Chicken -2.5-3.5 lb.

¼ cup garlic powder

¼ cup Montreal Steak Spice

¼ cup paprika

1/8 cup salt

½ cup oil


Mix all spices together in bowl and add oil. Mix well.

Rub ½ of the spiced oil on each chicken covering the whole chicken.

Place chickens in sealable bag, let sit at room temperature for 45 minutes. Then put in fridge overnight.

Cooking the chicken

Set BBQ to high heat and heat to temperature of 400-450 F

Place chicken in the middle of the BBQ and turn off the middle burners.

Cook for 30 minutes. Reduce heat to 375- 400 F.( set heat on outside burners to medium on the heat control dials. Cook for 45 minutes.  Place chicken on upper rack on BBQ and leave heat set to medium heat.( 375 F- 400 F)Cook for 15 minutes. Remove and let sit for 5 minutes then serve.

If you don’t need to cook both chickens put on chicken in the sealable bag in the freezer after sitting in fridge over-night. When ready to use defrost in fridge for 2 days then cook as instructions above.


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