Juicy BBQ Pork Chops Tvery Time!

BBQ Pork Chops

Makes 6 pork chops (3 Lbs.)


6 pork chops

1/8 cup garlic powder

1/8 cup chili powder

1/3 cup paprika

1 tsp. fresh ground black pepper

1/3 cup Montreal Steak Spice

1 Tbsp. salt

1 cup dried vegetable soup flakes

2 tbsp. Worcestershire

1 cup brown sugar

64 oz. hot tap water


Put all ingredients except pork chops in a Tupperware or similar type of sealable container. Mix for 1 minute. Put pork chops in liquid. Let pork chops sit in liquid for 1 hour at room temperature then put in fridge for 4 hours or overnight.

Set BBQ to high heat and heat until 400 F. Remove pork chops from liquid and remove any dried vegetable soup flakes from pork chops. Cook pork chops for 5 minutes on each side. Cook pork chops to internal temperature of 160F. Remove and let rest for 2 minutes and serve.

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