Why local food you ask?

Buy local, grow local and community gardens provides many benefits. From educational perspective local foods provides a great vehicle to teach Science and Technology in both High School and Elementary. 

Health Benefits

Buying food that you know the source does not have genetically modified seeds and free from any preservatives provides a healthy alternative to your dietary choices. Buying local products support local economy, reduces transportation costs and the environmental concerns that go with transporting foods long distances. 

What is local the food movement?

There have been many names given to groups or people that include, localphore ( people who live by or try to eat locally grow foods), farm to fork and even garbaphores( a group of people that collect discarded food from food terminals that cannot be sold but still maintains 100 % of the nutritional value.

One of the problems with eat local. What is available in that specific region and still be able to prepare food that taste good, has enough nutritional value and a lifestyle that can be sustained.

It is very hard to eat within a one hundred mile radius it is much easier to think of local food in another way.

Break local food consumption as within the following parameters; local, within your county, regional, within your province and country, within Canada.

Grow Local, Buy Local and Community Garden Movement.

The community garden is nothing new. Victory Gardens were popular during WW1 and WW2. The war caused a reduction in the amount of fresh produce and fruit. These gardens were important because they help bring produce and fruit to the local areas in most cases families/ communities would share their garden harvests. 

So how do community gardens work? 

These are plots of land that are set aside by local municipalities and or donated by citizens. These plots of land are managed in many different ways. Some plots are given to families that do not have access or the social means to buy fresh produce etc. Some groups are formed within communities and donate their gardens to local food banks.

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