Use Chia Seeds to Make Delicious Gluten Free Chocolate Pudding!

  Chia seed Chocolate pudding

Makes 2 cups


4 Tbsp. cocoa powder

4 tbsp. maple syrup

1 cup milk or dairy free milk

½ cup chia seeds

1 cup 35 % cream of non-dairy milk (if you like it thicker only add ½ cup 35 % cream or non-dairy milk)


Mix milk, cocoa powder, maple syrup together until cocoa powder is completely dissolved. Add chia seeds and mix for 1 minute. Sit at room temperature for 1 hour. Refrigerate for 4 hours. Then put in blender and blend for 30 seconds. Then add 1 cup cream or non -dairy milk. Blend for 30 seconds.

Other ways to use Chia seeds

Using as a thickening agent in soups

In baking add like nuts.

Use as an egg substitute - 1 tbsp. soaked in small amount of water replace 1 egg

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