Chef Robert

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Sour dough isn’t just for Bread. Sour dough Pecan Buns!

Sour Dough Upside -Down Pecan Buns

Makes 10 buns

Dough Ingredients

1 cup sour dough discarded from sour dough starter

1 cup milk

1 egg

2 tbsp. butter

3 tbsp. white sugar

1 tsp. salt

3 ¾ cups bread flour

1 tsp. instant yeast

Preparation of dough

Mix milk and egg together.

Place all ingredients in stand mixer bowl. Mix for 5 minutes using a dough hook.

Remove bowl from mixer and cover dough with damp towel. Let rise until double the size. Punch down and let rise to double size. Punch down and place on floured flat surface. Roll out dough to

12” x 18“rectangle.  Spread filling on dough. See filling recipe below.

Roll dough into a log pinching the dough where it ends ensuring filling is sealed in the dough.

Cut log into 10 equal circles.

Place circles in cast iron pan with syrup.

Let dough rise until dough in size. Bake in 375 F oven 35- 50 minutes. Dough should be 200 F using an instant read thermometer. Remove from oven and let cool for 10 minutes. Put a large serving plate on top of cast iron pan. Flip the buns over on to serving plate exposing the syrup and nut topping.


Pan syrup with nuts ingredients

½ cup brown sugar

¼ cup butter

½ cup pecans (or walnuts)


On medium heat using a 12” cast iron frying pan add all ingredients. Cook for 1 minute. Place pan off to the side. 

Filling Ingredients

¼ cup melted butter

1 cup brown sugar

1 tbsp. cinnamon

1 cup pecans


Mix ingredients together.

Spread on rolled out dough.

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