Make Your Own Gluten Free Bread Using a Bread Maker!


Gluten Free Bread (bread maker with gluten free setting)


2 ¼ cups water

3 tbsp. oil

2 tbsp. vinegar

3 eggs

½ cup tapioca flour

1 ½ tsp. salt

2 cups gluten free flour

1 cup brown rice flour

2/3 cup potato flour

1 cup quinoa flour

3 Tbsp. milk Powder ( or soya milk powder)

3 tbsp. sugar

1 tbsp. xanthan gum

1 tbsp. instant yeast( bread maker yeast)


In a bowl add water, oil, vinegar and eggs. Mix well

In another bowl add all dry ingredients. Mix well

Add liquid ingredients to bread maker mixing and cooking container. Add dry ingredients to liquid ingredients.

Put bread maker mixing cooking container into bread maker. Press program for gluten free.

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Make Your Own Gluten Free Bread Using Your Oven!


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