Make Your Own Kielbasa!


12.5 lbs. boneless pork butt

12 oz. ice cold water

3 oz kosher salt

½ oz. fresh cracked black pepper

1/2. oz. granulated sugar

½ oz. garlic powder

1/8 oz. oregano

2 tbsp. paprika

6 oz. textured vegetable protein ( put into food processor and blended into a powder)

½ oz. curing salt ( add only if smoking)

Soak hog casings in water and rinse until all salt has been removed. Then let soak overnight in cold water. The next day prior to stuffing the casings soak in warm water for 1 hour. Run water through each casing let the water remain in casings.


Grind pork and pork keeping separate. (Use the 3/8 “grinding plate)

Mix ice water and all seasonings together. Mix well until all ingredients are combined.

Using a large plastic bus bin add all ingredients and mix well.

Put meat into mixer with stuffing attachment or a hand crank sausage stuffer. Stuff each casing allowing the meat to firmly fill the casings. Twist into 5 inch lengths.

To cook sausage not smoked.

Method 1

In a pan over medium heat add 2 tbsp. oil. Brown peppers on all sides.

Add 1 cup water cover and cook until internal temperature of 160 F.

Method 2

Brown in pan as above and put in 350 F oven for 15-20 minutes

Smoking instructions. Smoke at 200 F until sausage reaches internal temperature of 153 F


London Broil!


Chocolate Ravioli!