Chef Robert

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What can I do with Sourdough Discard? Make Delicious Donuts!

Sour Dough sweet dough (donuts)

Makes 20 donuts

Dough Ingredients

1 cup sour dough discard

1 cup milk

2 egg

¼ butter

3 tbsp. white sugar

1 tsp. salt

4 ½ cups bread flour

1 tsp. instant yeast

Preparation of dough

Mix milk and egg together.

Place all ingredients in stand mixer bowl. Mix for 5 minutes using a dough hook.

Remove bowl from mixer and cover dough with damp towel. Let rise until double the size. Punch down and let rise to double size. Punch down and place on floured flat surface. Roll out dough to 1inch thickness. Cut dough using 1 cup measuring cup.  Place cut dough circles on floured baking tray. Take each circle and cut a hole in the middle using a sharp knife and gently stretch the dough until you have a uniform hole.  Let the dough proof until double in size. Put all the scrap dough into a ball and let rest for 5 minutes. Then roll into a strip. Cut strips into 1 inch pieces. Place on lightly floured tray and let rise until double in size.

Fry donuts

Heat oil in Dutch oven or deep fat fryer to 350 F.  Gently place donuts in oil without splashing hot oil. Cook donut on each side for 1- ½ minutes. Flip donut and cook another 1 -1 ½ minutes. Remove from oil and place on wire rack or clean towel. Then coat with cinnamon sugar. ( 2 cups granulated sugar and 2 tbsp. cinnamon)

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