Did You Know that a Bread Maker can make Pasta Dough? Three ways to Make Pasta Dough from Scratch!

Pasta Dough

Makes 1 lb. of pasta


½ cup cold water

1 large egg beaten

1 tbsp. oil

½ tsp. salt

1 2/3 cup semolina flour

2 cups semolina flour to keeping pasta from sticking together


Stand mixer method

Put water and egg into stand mixer. Mix well with fork. Add remaining ingredients and mix with hook until ingredients come together forming a ball. Mix for one minute. Remove from bowl and put into a sealable container and refrigerate for 1 hour to let rest.

Hand mixing method

But all dry ingredients on a cutting board or clean flat surface. Mix dry ingredients and make a mound. Using your fist make a hole in the center of the mound. Mix egg and water together in a bowl. Add liquid ingredients t the hole in the center of the mound. Swirl liquid around adding dry ingredients into the liquid ingredients. Continue doing this until you have all ingredients together. Mix until a ball forms. Knead ingredients together until you have a smooth ball. Put dough into a sealable container and refrigerate for 1 hour to let rest.

Bread machine method

Put water in bread machine dough container. Whisk Egg for 1 minute and add to water. Add remaining ingredients. Set to dough/pasta mixing cycle. Remove from bowl and put into a sealable container and refrigerate for 1 hour to let rest.

Shaping the pasta

Knife Method

Using extra semolina flour dust the work surface. Roll out the pasta to 1/16 of inch thick. Dust semolina flour on top of rolled out dough and turn over dough. Dust with semolina flour. Now roll the dough onto itself making it into a long cylinder of dough. Using a knife cut the cylinder of dough ¼ inch slices through the dough down through the cylinder. Unwind each dough strip and toss in the extra semolina flour to prevent sticking.

Pasta roller machine.

Pasta Dough

Makes 1 lb. of pasta


½ cup cold water

1 large egg beaten

1 tbsp. oil

½ tsp. salt

1 2/3 cup semolina flour

2 cups semolina flour to keeping pasta from sticking together


Stand mixer method

Put water and egg into stand mixer. Mix well with fork. Add remaining ingredients and mix with hook until ingredients come together forming a ball. Mix for one minute. Remove from bowl and put into a sealable container and refrigerate for 1 hour to let rest.

Hand mixing method

But all dry ingredients on a cutting board or clean flat surface. Mix dry ingredients and make a mound. Using your fist make a hole in the center of the mound. Mix egg and water together in a bowl. Add liquid ingredients t the hole in the center of the mound. Swirl liquid around adding dry ingredients into the liquid ingredients. Continue doing this until you have all ingredients together. Mix until a ball forms. Knead ingredients together until you have a smooth ball. Put dough into a sealable container and refrigerate for 1 hour to let rest.

Bread machine method

Put water in bread machine dough container. Whisk Egg for 1 minute and add to water. Add remaining ingredients. Set to dough/pasta mixing cycle. Remove from bowl and put into a sealable container and refrigerate for 1 hour to let rest.

Shaping the pasta

Knife Method

Using extra semolina flour dust the work surface. Roll out the pasta to 1/16 of inch thick. Dust semolina flour on top of rolled out dough and turn over dough. Dust with semolina flour. Now roll the dough onto itself making it into a long cylinder of dough. Using a knife cut the cylinder of dough ¼ inch slices through the dough down through the cylinder. Unwind each dough strip and toss in the extra semolina flour to prevent sticking.

Pasta roller machine.

Roll dough in the solid roller starting at the largest size. Make the solid roller smaller and continue to roll the pasta dough through it until it is 1/16 thick. Then put through the fettuccini roller. Remove the fettuccini and toss in extra semolina flour to prevent sticking.

Boiling the pasta

Bring 2 gallons of water to a boil. Add 2 tbsp. salt. Add pasta and cook until it floats. Cook for 1 minute after it floats. Pour into a colander and serve with the sauce of your choice.

Boiling the pasta

Bring 2 gallons of water to a boil. Add 2 tbsp. salt. Add pasta and cook until it floats. Cook for 1 minute after it floats. Pour into a colander and serve with the sauce of your choice.


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